

ATL works with clients and their agents to implement a comprehensive IP enforcement programme so as to effectively prevent those engaged in counterfeiting, piracy or any such activities from infringing on the IP rights of our clients. We aim to enhance or expand our existing programme in the following ways:

  • Provide advice and support on overall strategy
  • Conduct surveys and in-depth investigations to identify infringers and determine the best course of action, including criminal prosecutions
  • Attend administrative raid actions where the target requires follow-up actions, e.g. criminal prosecution or high profile civil proceedings. Administrative raids are recognised as the best method to collect evidence which can be later used in the civil proceedings
  • Carry out informal actions in the form of sending cease-and-desist letters. ATL’s presence in Southern China facilitates face-to-face meetings with infringers, confronting them directly with evidence of infringement, and taking them through the legal consequences of their actions in order to encourage a voluntary end to their infringing activities
  • Assist in directing and managing training programmes for the authorities/customs


